'My Knife Story' the latest DVD Video produced by Insight Moving Images has just been launched at the FACT Cinema in Liverpool. The DVD was produced for the city's Youth Offending Service and will be used as part of its acclaimed Knife Crime Prevention Programme, which shows young people the dangers of carrying a knife and the devastating impact on the community and the victim. Liverpool is one of 10 areas which piloted the scheme as part of the government's Tackling Knives Action Programme.
Aileen Shepherd, Head of Liverpool’s Youth Offending Service, Frances Done, Chair of the Youth Justice Board &local actor Sean Harrison.
The full DVD includes 5 x chapters and over 1-hour of video resources that will be used as part of the eight week programme, including:
A short video to promote discussion around the reasons young people give for give for carrying knives.
An interview with an ex-offender who has been convicted of knife crime, talking about the consequences of his actions.
A nurse from Royal Liverpool University hospital showing real life images of horrific knife injuries.
And harrowing interviews with 3 x Mothers from SAMM Merseyside who have lost children through knife crime, showing the devastating impact it has had on their lives.
Chapter 1 can be seen here...
Councillor Marilyn Fielding, Liverpool's executive member for Safer, Stronger Communities, said: "This pioneering project is changing attitudes, reducing re-offending and making Liverpool even safer. By intervening quickly and working closely with offenders to show them the dangers of carrying weapons we are helping prevent assaults and injuries and potentially saving lives."