Thursday, 12 March 2009

New Video for Find Your Talent

Insight spent a very busy day yesterday filming the CORE event at Haydock Racecourse with students from Rainhill High school.

The Cultural Offer Regional Event was designed to share ideas and best practise in relation to the new 'Find Your Talent' initiative and the Cultural Offer. The scheme is currently running as a pilot by two areas in the North West - Liverpool and Bolton - who shared their experiences and knowledge with other regions.

We were lucky to find some very talented young people from Rainhill who presented the video, interviewed delegates and assisted with the video production.

The aim of the Cultural Offer is for every young person to have 5 hours of culture a week. As you can imagine the event was full of ideas and very interesting debates on what is culture.

We now have the challenge of editing all the footage captured into a 5-minute video!